Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes...

Today I woke up at 12nn... It is still the month of Ramadan. Today was very unusual because I never had a dream for such a very long time...maybe I had a very good sleep that I was able to achieve the REM state of sleep.

What do dreams really mean? They said most people only remember 10% of their dream when they wake up but I remember everything so vividly. Let me share to you my dream before I forget it.

My dream started as I was riding a vehicle going to my hometown in Taytay but suddenly the jeepney cut his trip and drop us off midway. I wasn't sure where I came from but what is definite is my destination.

We queued again for another vehicle that will bring us to our final destination. The vehicle came and the next scene in my dream was I was a passenger inside the vehicle...seated to an unknown person then beside her is my mom. I handed the driver our fare of 20php(one person 6php) I paid for my sister, my mom and me. I did not see my sister though but I saw my mom and she told me to pay for 5 and when I asked her why, she told me because Mrs. Hartmann (my daughter's former Principal) and her husband (who is now a dead person) are with us inside the van. When I took my 2php change from the driver the lady sitting next to me handed me her fare in coins, I was pissed off because those were a lot of coins. I reached out to my purse to pay for another 2 persons and found out I only have coins and the denominations were 5, 10, 20 (silver coins) and a few 25cents(gold coins). I apologized to the driver since I have to give him a lot of coins. The dream was cut...we never reached our destination. 

The second scene in my dream was I am at work and I was with my sister. She told me she fixed my shoe cabinet inside our lockers and she showed me how she stacked up our shoes. She opened the cabinet and I saw 2 layers of shoes one for me and one for her. Then I asked her you think it is ok if I change my shoes in going home? She said wear whatever you feel is comfortable. So I removed the shoes I am wearing and changed into a slip on flat black sandals

The third scene in my dream was I was fixing my hair into two pony tail buns and while I was fixing the other one with a rubber band, the rubber band snapped, so I walk around in half pony tail looking around for a rubber band. I entered a restroom and saw one yellow rubber band on the countertop when I was about to get it I heard a lady crying. I asked her why is she crying and she told me she broke up with her boyfriend and I told her don't cry over a man who doesn't realize your value. I ask her if the rubber band was hers and she said I can get it because there are lots of rubber bands behind the restroom door chained together. I asked her why and she said because ghost are afraid of red rubber bands.

The fourth scene in my dream was I was finding my way going back to the 6th floor of a building, which supposedly is where our quarter is I am not sure if the building was a hospital. I tried getting through the elevator but it only brought me until the 3rd floor. I went out of the building and saw a beach outside. I asked people around to find my way through going to the 6th floor and they told me a hidden passage with lots of doors, the hallway was dark and I opened lots of doors one after the other but still did not reach my destination. I went back to the building and ask a person how to get to the 6th floor, the person happens to be a famous celebrity and he told me to use the ladder. The ladder was made of aluminum but it was short and unstable, I tried checking the ladder but I was afraid that it may fall when I climb it so I never used it. 

I went out again and tried going through dark hallways and along the way I heard moaning and saw 2 people having sex in the dark one person is familiar to me and the other one is a famous female politician. I went on searching for my destination- the 6th floor but I woke up never reaching my destination. 

I tried to highlight the parts of my dreams that were very vivid and I tried interpreting them.
Dreams and its meaning:
1. Passenger in a vehicleWhen one dreams that you are a passenger in a vehicle or some other kind of moving object, there is a level of not really being in control truly to what is going on around a person. This shows that by feeling out of control, there is a level of helplessness which tends to take over one’s existence and the guides of the dreamer are trying to tell them that it is time to take more of the responsibilities in their life instead of always taking the back seat or the side role in your life. When you are referring to your life, you must remember that you are the one who has all of the control to change or do anything that makes you feel good. You tend to spend too much time trying to placate or please others. Now is the time in your life for you to consider attempting to create more of a balance in one’s life.(read more here)

2. Lots of coins - The impression of coins in your dream is generally interpreted as the overlooked opportunity that was crucial for your life. In particular, gold coins represent immense success at your work place which is also a carrier of money. These are most auspicious type of coins to view in the dreams but other than this if you see silver coins then it signifies enhancement in spiritual sense. It is also analyzed as the enhancer of intuitive power to guide you in future. To see copper coins implies that you will get mental or physical healing which is vital in life. If you get coins dream you can expect some positive changes in life such as improvement in health, position and so on. Such dreams also signify gains at other fronts of life such as spirituality and intuition. It is not wrong if we conclude that dreams about coins are good omen if are observed in proper position and conditions.

More: http://www.gotohoroscope.com/txt/dream-meaning-coins.html

More: http://www.gotohoroscope.com/txt/dream-meaning-coins.html
3. Dead person - This can represent some area of your life that has ‘died’. It can refer to death of feelings, such as hopelessness in connection with relationship and the loss of feelings about someone; the depression that follows big changes in your life such as loss of a loved partner, job, or child. It can also reflect the sense you have of your life in general, that it is without the stimulus of motivation and satisfaction, as when one feels oneself in a ‘going nowhere’ relationship or life situation. The dead person in the dream may link several of these feelings together, as symbols often represent huge areas of our experience. So the dead person my be a part of oneself you want to leave behind, to die out.(read more here)

4. Never reaching your destination- Not reaching your destination in a dream tells you that your hopes for the future have been put on hold at the moment. This dream also indicates you have spiritual goals and aspirations that need to be resolved in order for you to move on with your life. Any omen for spirituality is good to follow. Take time for the meaningful aspects of your life and follow your heart. (read more here)

5. Shoes, changing shoes and wearing slip ons- Shoes simultaneously protect our feet as well as express our sense of style.  Our feet symbolize how grounded we are and our ability to maneuver effectively on our chosen path.  The shoes that we wear or see in a dream reflect two things:  how we protect the stand we take in life and how we express ourselves with regard to the steps we take as we walk through life.Looking at a particular pair of shoes to wear in a dream connects to a direction you have not yet embarked upon but may be considering. A single shoe means a path that is only half-considered, or a switch that occurs midway through a process. (read more here)

6. Rubber Bands, Snapping Rubber band-To see or use a rubber band in your dream, suggests that you need to be more accommodating to others. You may need to expand your attitude, imagination and way of thinking. Open your mind! To dream that a rubber band snaps indicates that you have outstretched yourself by taking on too many responsibilities.(read more here)

7. Lady Crying- There are many ways to interpret seeing someone who is crying in your dream. It is generally a sign to happiness and joy, and also people who you share this happiness with. If you see a woman crying, you would get help about a problem of yours.Seeing someone else cry in your dream indicates that you will be luckier, your problems will be over, your debts will come to an end, your illnesses will be cured and you will have a chance to make a fresh start in your life. Crying or seeing people who are crying in a dream generally shows intensity of your emotions psycholgically, the melancholy hidden inside you and your sorrowful personality despite your happy appearance. Therefore, the one who see this dream should check his feelings and analyze.(read more here)

8. Famous People Celebrities are our modern-day gods and goddesses.  Dreaming about one of these elite individuals represents a need to explore the qualities they embody as a character aspect, but in a much more powerful way.  In a process identical to working with a character aspect of someone at the pedestrian level, a celebrity’s fame elevates the significance of the meaning you assign to them.  Your unconscious is using the notoriety associated with their public visibility to get your attention.  It is, in effect, providing you with an image that has a chance of making the dream memorable upon waking so that you might more readily take notice of the guidance available to you in the dream.(read more here)

9. Ladder- ladder in a dream also represents peace and safety. Climbing a ladder in a dream means receiving a warning or an admonition to do good and eschew evil for someone who does not oblige. If one’s ladder turns into concrete stairs in a dream, it means assiduity and veiling or protecting of one’s privacy. (read more here)

10. Doors, Opening doors- A door often represents the opening of new possibilities and challenges in the future. This dream suggests that it may be problematic to accept difficult situations in the future. It can also represent a lost opportunity in life, such as a promotion at work. A locked door can be a symbol of goals out of reach or of gossip behind your back. However an open door means that your wishes may be fulfilled soon.f you are opening the door in the dream, you will meet new people at work or you may discover a secret. Open doors can also refer to a new spiritual path you may encounter sometime soon. The door refers to the openness you could enjoy if you engage on this spiritual path.(read more here)

11. Beach-Dreaming of beaches often represents your emotions at the present time, so look around and see what else your dream is showing you.  If the beach is deserted, then this means you probably need to take some time to consider what is important to you, and to decide which aspects of your life you do not need to worry about so much.  See what stressful influences are in your life that you are able to reduce or remove entirely, as this will help you to feel much more relaxed.(read more here)

12. Dark HallwaysSeeing Hallways in Dreams describes your inhibitions and desires. Usually in a dream, the hallway is never ending and will continue on forever. Chances are you will never reach the end of the hallway, as you get closer, the end will get farther. The narrow path shows your willingness and determination to go forward in order to reach the end. Stay focused on your journey to the end, because if you keep moving forward with the will and power you have now, the end is really never that far.(read more here)

13. Other people having sex- To dream about sex, refers to the psychological completion and the integration of contrasting aspects of the Self. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character. Alternatively and a more direct interpretation of the dream, may be your libido's way of telling you that it's been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love.(read more here)

14. Number 6- Six:  Six is the number of partnership, marriage, creative collaboration and balance.  After the freedom of five, there is a need for stability, which is provided by the even number six.  This energy can also be seen as a pairing of two threes.  If three is about primal creativity at an individual level, combining two systems of three allows for six to engender worldly partnerships and the concept of marriage and union.  This number represents partnership on every level: business, social, educational and spiritual.  In the personal realms, the number six represents the happy union of opposites within us and the integration of our own opposing forces, such as containing two powerful emotions that contradict each other.  The challenge of the six energy connects to responsibility and a sense of burden.(read more here

My dreams have a lot of meaning which are mostly interrelated one way or another and it is a waking up call for what my subconscious has to tell me. 

Happy Reading everyone.

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